
If you have an organisation code that has been provided to you by your club, association or organisation as part of a Codel promotion, then press the button below.
Purchase Codel
To purchase Codel and be able to Codelmark your documents and data for a year, press the "Buy Now" button.
Codel Free 10 day Trial
To take advantage of Codel's free trial please complete the form below. This trial is for a limited period only and will cease after 10 days. Note - Any items Codelmarked during the free trial will remain on the Codel system and will not be removed, however you will not be able to Codelmark any further documents until you pay for use of the Codel service.
Please enter your contact details
Please note - If you have a PayPal account please use the email address from this account. Use of this email address will simplify the process if you choose to pay for use of the Codel service following the free trial.
E-mail address:
Confirm e-mail:

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